Support for your group - Covid19 update

Swindon Sports Forum is committed to supporting our sports club, physical activity providers and community groups during this difficult period.
If you are in need of some support or guidance, get in contact with us and we will do our best to support you through these tough times.
Sport England Funding
Sport England is committing £20 million to sports clubs and community groups who are experiencing short term financial hardship. Clubs and groups can apply up to £10,000 from Sport England. For more information click here:
If you would like to submit an application but are unsure on how the application process works, get in touch and we will guide you step by step through the process.
Wiltshire and Swindon Sport, our Active Partnership can support you in a number of ways. Visit their website here: to see how they can help you and your club/group.
NGB Support
Have a concern or query that is specific to your sport/activity? Many NGB's are committing funds to help clubs and coaches during this time. Why not contact a member of your sports NGB to see how they can help.